Session Details

Carbon Markets - Decarbonization vs Offsetting Strategy

Tuesday, 19 March

10:30 am - 12:00 pm (CST) / 19/mar/2024 03:30 pm - 19/mar/2024 05:00 pm

Session 2: Decarbonization vs Offsetting Strategy

10:30 AM: Session Introduction - Deb Ryan, Head of Strategic Commodities, S&P Global Commodity Insights
10:35 AM: Sustainability in Petrochemicals: A Balancing act of Decarbonization and Offsetting? - Alfredo Lopez Carretero, Global Head Safety, Sustainability and Energy Transition, CEPSA Chemicals
10:50 AM: Incorporating the Cost of Carbon into Chemicals - Shane Whipple, Carbon Markets Analyst, S&P Global Commodity Insights
11:05 AM: The VCM needs you and you need the VCM. Searching for a Win-Win - Karine Boccara, Joint Lead Chemical Consulting ECISA, S&P Global Commodity Insights

11:15 AM: Q&A
11:30 AM: How can the Petrochemicals sector use Carbon Removals Credits to offset Residual Emissions? - Farhan Ahmed, Chief Program Management Officer, Verra; Shri Gugan Siva Subramaniam, Head Strategy and Governance Sustainability, Petronas Chemicals Group Berhad;

Panel Moderator: Divya Mankikar, Global Head of ESG Market Engagement, S&P Global Sustainable1

Program: Special Program

Session Track: Carbon Markets

Session Speakers